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Here you will find key information to aid your understanding to the changes to ALN and the support available to you and your child/children. 

St Margaret's Catholic Primary School is an inclusive school where all staff are committed to the success of every pupil and the delivery of a broad and balanced curriculum.  All children are valued, respected and welcomed to our school, whatever their additional educational needs may be.

We support children’s learning and aim to ensure they are fully included in all school activities. Through our assessment practises we are able to identify the needs of pupils and plan on how to best address these.  We work closely with a wide range of outside experts. An integral part of our work in supporting the needs of all pupils is our partnership with parents, carers and families.   

What to do if you have a concern
If you, as parent/carer, have a concern about your child regarding possible additional learning needs, the first contact point should be the class teacher.  You can either contact them using Seesaw or make an appointment to speak in person with them.  Your child’s class teacher will collate information and look at ways in which your child can be further supported in the classroom. If, as a school, we feel there are possible additional learning needs you will be contacted by the school class teacher and/or ALNCo (Additional Learning Needs Co-ordinator) who will meet with you to discuss these further and start to put together an Individual Development Plan.


Additional Learning Needs - A Parent's Guide 


Do you understand what the teacher is asking?


Not happy with the support you're getting at school?


Other Useful Links:

Snap Cymru

Welsh Government information - ALN

RCT Access and Inclusion